In the world we live in today with email, blogs and Skype what is a friend? Years ago you had to know and see someone to consider them a friend because that was all we knew. But with technology how can you limit a friendship to psychical interaction. It is small mindedness at it's best.
I know people around the corner I have known for years less than I do some people I have met online...It opens up a world of possibility that generations ago never existed.. finding common interestes or understanding...that is friendship. It should never be about the lenght of time or the location.
Should relationships be discriminated against because much of it is online?
What do you think? Feel free to post this question as I would like as broard a view on this as possible. I will post in a few days as to why I ask this question...
PS - I even met Adrian online and 9 months later we were married. Thankyou RSVP :)